There’s a story in the news this morning about 13-year-old Chloe Rubiano, an Arkansas middle school student, who was asked to change the tee shirt she wore to school recently. What shocking message did this shirt convey? “Virginity Rocks.” Her school considered it disruptive.
Middle Schools Today
Really? A message of virginity in middle school is adjudged to be disruptive? The school claims it would lead to discussions of sex. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but lots of things can lead to a discussion of sex in middle school. These kids are what, 11 to 13? Hormones are awakening, folks!
BTW, middle schools hand out condoms and help students get abortions. And you can’t even mention the word virginity? Does it cut down on the condom business?
What’s The Dress Code?
Now turning to the school’s side, it they have a dress code which prohibits the wearing of any message tee shirt, that’s a different story. If that’s the case, they were right in asking her to remove it. It should be noted that Chloe, being the good girl that she is, changed into a gym shirt at the Vice Principal’s request.
A Fix For The Problem?
Maybe the answer here is to just side-step the question and prohibit all message tee shirts. Some schools in my area do it. A lot of public schools now wear uniforms, too. Problem solved. But is it, really?
Would “Virginity Rocks” disrupt class? Maybe. Maybe not. I haven’t been 13 in many, many years so I’m really not sure.
Our World Is All Sex, Sex, Sex
However, with the emphasis in our culture on sex these days, why is someone prohibited from an opposing viewpoint? And, come on, this kid is 13! Yes, I’m an old fart. Sorry, but I do NOT believe 13-year-old kids should be doin’ it.
Am I trying to squelch their sexual freedom? No, not really. I just think you need to understand a bit about what you’re doing, not simply insert Tab A into Slot B. I feel that there’s too much at stake for a child’s mental state at this age if you throw the sex thing into it.
At 13, I was still more concerned with friends, sports and music than sex.
But what do I know? I’m just Old Busted Hotness.